
Certificate in Digital Marketing by APIDM – (FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions

What is the duration of this course?
Is the program affiliated?
Can this course be used for migration or foreign employment?
Can I get a job using this qualification?
Are there Internship Training Programs
On the Certificate, does it mention as ‘online course’?
Will there be a certification ceremony for the students that do the course online?
Will the recorded sessions of the 100% online program be available for the students who have missed the lectures?
Can the recordings be downloaded?
Can I get the lecture slide decks before the commencement of the lectures?
How are the hands-on sessions done online?
How can I ask questions or clarify any doubts from the resource person while the lecture is taking place online?
Can I contact the resource person off-line as well?
What would be the course Evaluation Method?
If a student fails can she/he retake the exam? If so when can the student re-sit and will there be a re-sit fee?
Is the live session attendance compulsory or can I only go through the recordings and sit for the exams?
Can a student transfer from the online course to the physical class? If, so will the course fee differ?
What devices can I use to connect and how much of data will I require? Laptop or desktop devices only.
Do I need to visit the institute to pay for the course fee?
Will there be payment plans?