
Certificate in Digital Marketing by APIDM – (FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions

What is the duration of this course?

The course is conducted as a 100% online program. Class room sessions of 4 hours for 13 consecutive weeks on Mondays & Thursdays from 6.30pm – 8.30pm. Total course is 15 weeks, including the online exam.

Is the program affiliated?

The Certificate in Digital Marketing course is approved by TVEC (Tertiary & Vocational Education Commission Sri Lanka)

Can this course be used for migration or foreign employment?

We currently do not have such arrangements initiated from APIDM. Please check with your migration consultant about such qualification criteria.

Can I get a job using this qualification?

Yes. APIDM qualifications are already recognized by many employers in the region and most of our past students are successfully building careers in digital marketing. However, we do not offer any guarantee of employability as it depends on how much you gain from the course as well as many other individual traits pertaining to the student.

Are there Internship Training Programs

Internships are not guaranteed for all qualifying students. There will be a limited opportunity for each batch for internships and qualifying students will have to compete in the interviewing and selection process of each industry training partner in order to secure an internship placement.

On the Certificate, does it mention as ‘online course’?

No. If you complete the 100% online program, you will still get the same certificate as others.

Will there be a certification ceremony for the students that do the course online?

Yes. We do conduct two certification ceremonies annually. That is during the middle of the year and at end of the year. (Depending on the Country’s situation with the Covid-19, the ceremonies will be held accordingly)

Will the recorded sessions of the 100% online program be available for the students who have missed the lectures?

Yes. All virtual classes recording will be uploaded to your Learning Community Facebook group within the next immediate working day.

Can the recordings be downloaded?

No. Students are only allowed to stream the recordings online.

Can I get the lecture slide decks before the commencement of the lectures?

Not always. Most lecturers prefer the students to pay attention to what is being discussed live during the class. Getting the presentation slides in advance can disturb the planned class structure. Therefore, the slides will not be shared in advance.

Further, most lecturers make last minute adjustments to the slide deck just before the class. Therefore, the slides can only be shared after the class is over.

How are the hands-on sessions done online?

Resource person will do a demonstration and explanation. After the demonstration, the students are allowed to try it on their own. We have allocated sufficient time for this. Students may share their screen and ask for help from the resource person. We further use the “Breakout Rooms” feature on our virtual class platform to assign students to different groups, and prompt them to do a hands-on activity as a group work.

How can I ask questions or clarify any doubts from the resource person while the lecture is taking place online?

Resource person will give plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions and clarify. When such an opportunity is given during a class, you may unmute your microphone and ask your question. You may also use the chat option to type your questions to the resource person. You may ask follow-up questions on the discussion form of your LMS / Course Group. On top of this, at the end of each module, there will be a dedicated 30 minutes for questions and clarifications.

Can I contact the resource person off-line as well?

Yes, on appointment. If you need to contact a resource person, you may make a request to the APIDM staff. APIDM will convey the message to the relevant resource person and depending on his/her availability, APIDM will arrange a time for you to contact the resource person. After that first interaction, APIDM will not involve in any further follow-ups of your interactions with the resource person.

What would be the course Evaluation Method?

At the end of the course, an online examination will be held and this exam will consist of multiple-choice questions and 3 open ended questions. Those who successfully complete this exam with required pass mark of “70%” will be awarded with the accreditation: “Certificate in Digital Marketing”.

All the exams and assignments will be administered online. Below is the assessment methodology.

Assignment 1 – 10% of final marks. (Group Presentation)

Assignment 2 – 10% of final marks. (Individual Assignment)

Assignment 3 – 10% of final marks. (Group Presentation)

Live Attendance to Classes – 10% of final marks.

Final MCQ Examination – 60% of final marks.

If a student fails can she/he retake the exam? If so when can the student re-sit and will there be a re-sit fee?

Yes. they can re-sit the exam with the next batch in line. There will be a repeat fee of Rs.5,000/-

Is the live session attendance compulsory or can I only go through the recordings and sit for the exams?

It is compulsory. Further, 10% marks are allocated for attending the live class room sessions.

Can a student transfer from the online course to the physical class? If, so will the course fee differ?

This has to be decided depending on how long the student has been following the online course. If a special discount was offered to the student for registering for the online program, such discounts will be nullified and the student may be required to pay the difference to APIDM

What devices can I use to connect and how much of data will I require? Laptop or desktop devices only.

We do not recommend to use mobile devices or tablets for live classes. Typically, a class of 1.5 hours will consume 200MB to 250MB data.

Do I need to visit the institute to pay for the course fee?

Not necessarily. You may use online banking or online payment facilities. Optionally, you may visit APIDM and make a debit card payment. (NOTE: Cash payments at APIDM is not accepted).

Will there be payment plans?

Yes. Please discuss with your Assistance Manager -Sales for more details.